Two years ago, we built our current hut and, whilst it's still a fantastic (and largely dry) place to live, the weather has taken it's toll on the terrace and repairs are needed. The terrace is one of SFD and Cwtch's favourite places. Here they can watch over their territory and look for any border incursions by the dogs in the next planting. They can also duly harass the poor guy who jogs up and down past the planting as part of his daily fitness regime, or anyone who dares to pass along the road by any means, if it's less than 20km/hour. But I digress. In a nutshell- we knew major reinforcement for the hut & terrace was needed when any movement by SFD, whilst on the terrace ,(scratching/rolling/walking) led to a major tremors throughout the hut. Hence the digging of holes where new concrete posts will go.
But- we're not stopping here. Why dig 5 holes with nothing but a crow bar and a coconut shell when you can dig seventeen? Whilst we are in the mood we have decided to build a school room (long awaited) which will house 3 more guest rooms above it.
It's an exciting, but a little nerve-wracking time. Many people have expressed an interest in learning English here in Klang Dong...but being interested and actually doing are two separate things. I have 'expressed an interest' in running a marathon, several times over the last two decades and have even filled in a couple of application forms, only to fail at the first attempt to get off the sofa.
As with all things...time will tell.