Transfer service from Bangkok to Khaoyai & from Khaoyai to another attractions piont around Khaoyai Np.
Khaoyai ➡️Monkey temple @ Lopburi
If your travel route are start from Bangkok-Ayuthaya -Khaoyai - Chaing mai . Most of people will go back to Ayuthaya for catch up the train to Chaing mai but Lopburi Provine are locate on Nothern part from Ayuthaya and also possible to catch up the same Train to Chaing mai
the atraction on Lopburi route are the Historical temple with a tons of Long-tail macaques all around in this temple
From Khaoyai transfer to Lopburi take about 112 km. / 1.50 hour drive .Drop by at Macaques temple then you can walk to Train station
Train from Lopbuli to Chaing mai
No. 9 SPECIAL EXPRESS arrival Lopburi station at 20.41 pm.
No.13 SPECIAL EXPRESS arrival Lopburi station at 21.58 pm.
No.51 EXPRESS arrival Lopburi station at 00.27 am.
the atraction on Lopburi route are the Historical temple with a tons of Long-tail macaques all around in this temple
From Khaoyai transfer to Lopburi take about 112 km. / 1.50 hour drive .Drop by at Macaques temple then you can walk to Train station
Train from Lopbuli to Chaing mai
No. 9 SPECIAL EXPRESS arrival Lopburi station at 20.41 pm.
No.13 SPECIAL EXPRESS arrival Lopburi station at 21.58 pm.
No.51 EXPRESS arrival Lopburi station at 00.27 am.
Khaoyai➡️Phanom Rung Historical Park
Phanom Roong Histolical Park located in Burirum province trasfer take about 216 km. /3 hour drive from Khaoyai north entrance to Phanom Rong Historical Park.This direction is good for along t0 border Combodia & to Lao republic
Khaoyai ➡️Phimai Historical Park
Phimai Histolical Park located on North East of Nakonrachama province same province with Khaoyai Np. Take transfer about 180 km. / 2.30 hour drive from Khaoyai north entrance to Phimai Histolical Park.This direction is good for along t0 border Combodia & to Lao republic
Khaoyai➡️Combodian Border crossing point
For people who along the border from Thailand and continue to Combodia to visit Nakhon wat Histolical Park we are offring trasfer from Khaoyai south entrance to Ban Khong Luek border crossing point
Take about 152 km. / 2.30 hour
Take about 152 km. / 2.30 hour
Khaoyai➡️Koh Chang & Koh Kood Island
Kho Kood & Kho Chang the beautyful beaches that we are recomended for people who want to save time and don, t want to travel so far to visit Southern part of Thailand .Kho Kood & Kho Chang located on Trad province the southern part from Khaoyai Np.with private transfer you can get direct routs from Khaoyai to Kho Kood & Kho Chang and take much less time than back to Bangkok then go to Trad
Transfer from Khaoyai to Trad take 4.46 hour
Transfer from Khaoyai to Trad take 4.46 hour